Mattering - Paste & Pour, since 2021, BioMaterial Research & Design
Funded by Creative Impact Research Centre Europe CIRCE Fellowship - since April 2023
Every object is preceded by a substance – it determines how it behaves and influences the world in its becoming. The project “Mattering – Paste & Pour” aims to further explore the potential of biomaterials that Amelie developed in her master project “Mattering – Meal Bag”. The goal is to find sustainable and alternative materials to address the global food shortage and resource crisis. The project focuses on two strands: “Pour” and “Paste”. Both involve the use of agricultural and food production waste to create new materials. “Pour” aims to produce textile- and plastic-like surfaces, while “Paste” explores the potential of paste extrusion 3D printers. During the project Amelie will experiment with new biomaterial recipes and a 3D printer for food. The purpose is to promote a functioning circular economy and bioeconomy based on decentralized and demand-driven production. Innovative biomaterials, product concepts and their use cases will help to achieve this.

meal bag, 2020, edible food packaging | Material driven Research, Process, concept, product and Biomaterial design
"Composting is so hot!" Donna Haraway
The Meal Bag is an edible food packaging. Its ingredients are similar to those of paper but are edible. It is airtight and to a certain extent resistant to moisture. In hot water the compound dissolves and can simply be added to meals. As one of its main ingredients is corn starch, it functions as a sauce thickener during cooking. Just like bread it is a supplier of fibre and energy. Therefore, the packaging becomes part of the food chain instead of a hazardous material. The material is edible, compostable, it weathers within a short period of time, it can be renewed and recycled. Therefore, plenty of possibilities to a closed cycle of materials are offered while at the same time being able to act spontaneously.
According to the Federal Environment Agency, in 2017 approximately 107 kilograms of packaging waste were accumulated per private person. Only 49,7 per cent of the plastic packaging was recycled. Despite, it seems that particularly in the food sector more and more plastic packaging has been used. Alternative shop concepts, such as zero waste shops offer valuable guidance to a packaging free daily life. Unfortunately, for many people this concept cannot be easily integrated into their everyday working life. It requires advance planning as well as bringing along suitable containers for loose foodstuffs.
The Meal Bag steers a middle course. It dispenses, protects the content from external influences and is airtight. Due to the fact that it is edible, it can be exploited after its first use. Before being processed, it is simply washed, just like vegetables and hence, forms the basis e.g. for sauces. Consequently, sustainable consumption can be implemented spontaneously.
The consumer decides on how to close the material cycle. Important is that the contained components can circulate after its first use for the growth of the material. The concept of the Meal Bag can contribute to a further rethinking of one’s attitude to packaging as well as an increased appreciation of materials. The environmental awareness of those who cannot take the time for change can be increased.

cooking with meal bag @ FachPack - Nürnberg - 2021 - photos by Leon Greiner, Bayern Design

EVERYBODY IS TRACKING ME..., 2019, Future Scenario | Design Research, concept and user experience design
"Cognitive processes ain't (all) in the head" Andy Clark & David Chalmers in The Extended Mind
"I feel as if I were under constant surveillance. I simply cannot move without leaving traces. Traces that form patterns. A shadow that is growing. Information about me. A view on me that I cannot feel. Saved and traded with. With me! With information about me! Everybody is tracking me – apart from me! And form an opinion. And when I die, my shadow will remain. If I want it or not."
The critical concept “Everybody is tracking me – apart from me” encompasses three scenarios dealing with the treatment of digital traces that a person leaves behind after death. The prose text with the same-titled project takes place in present time. It refers to the second scenario, which could take place in a not-so-distant future, the Identity Manager AIA, the Artificial Intelligence Agent. Both of them directly relate to a third one, the fictional Federal Institute for Anthropological Research, the BID/3.

SPRING & 3D PANEL, 2019, upm grada 2000, HACKING PLYWOOD | collaboration with Eike voss

eckgeschichten, 2014, PORCELAIn, EXPERIMENTAL Bowls | experimental Product design

THE INNER, 2014, TYVEK & ACRYL, conceptual PENDANT LAMP | concept and product design
"Pare down to the essence, but don't remove the poetry." Principle of Wabi Sabi, Leonard Koren
„The Inner” is a pendant lamp. Its light intensity can be varied manually by carding its three layers of Tyvek (textile made of polyethylene fibers). The outer layer reflects „beautiful aging“ according to Wabi‐Sabi. By coating the material seems more and more worn down. This makes the lamp in a pleasant way imperfect. The middle layer emits a warm light and shows the inner structure of Tyvek intensified. A seemingly perfect chemical fiber starts to be irregular. The lower and brightest layer shows the beauty of the material itself. The lamp can be scrunched, carded and knotted in any order. Tyvek gets more and more a natural feeling and appearance. „The Inner“ shows, that a chemical fiber can also have Wabi‐Sabi quality.
About Amelie Graf
Product designer with professional skills in Product Design, Design Research and Process Design. Creating unique product and service concepts through interdisciplinary research as passion. Portfolio features projects of Concept Design, Product Design, Industrial Design, User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Graphic Design as well as designing and hacking of innovative materials and technologies. Extensive know-how about sustainability, digitalization, any relevant tools and rapid prototyping.

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